Co-option 2024

Hunts Grove Parish Council has grown from five members to nine due to the growth of the village and the amount of work done by the council.

However, only six people stood in the May 2024 elections leaving three vacancies, which we can fill through co-option (i.e. existing councillors selecting people). Could you fill one of these vacancies? Potentially interested? Please get in touch with by Monday 17 June.

What does a Parish Council do?

A parish council is the level of government closest to the community and is often the first place people will go with concerns or ideas. Its work falls into three main categories:

  • Representing the local community
  • Striving to improve quality of life in the parish
  • Delivering services to meet local needs.

Hunts Grove's Parish Councillors regularly engage with Crest Nicholson, Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, the police, and others on issues raised by residents. We also reflect local concerns into the planning process. 

We also run successful community events and work to support community groups. We have been exploring ways to provide support and activities to our young people.

What are the benefits of being a parish councillor?

Serving our local community is really rewarding in itself as you'll be helping to build our community and making a difference. But as a councillor you'd also be working in a team, developing new skills and experience, solving problems and meeting new people. 

What skills and experience is needed?

There is no parish council type, and no particular background or skill-set required. The main thing you should have is a desire to serve the community.

It might be useful to have one or more of the following: 

Interest or experience in: Attributes:
  • Building A Community
  • Youth Provision
  • Running Facilities
  • Events
  • Comms and Engagement
  • Running An Organisation
  • Projects
  • Legal or Finance
  • Thinking About The Big Picture
  • An Eye For Detail
  • Good At Team Working
  • Determination
  • Community-Minded
  • Organised

What is the time commitment?

If co-opted, you would have a seat on the council until May 2028. If you wanted to stay in the post you could then stand for re-election.

You would be expected to attend monthly councils meetings which last 2 to 3 hours. You may also meet with other councillors as part of working groups on particular topics, and attend some meetings with outside bodies or take part in events. There'll also be some time working on projects or issues. Everyone's contribution is different. Don't worry, it won't take over your life.

Am I eligible to be a Parish Councillor?

You have to be: ...and additionally, you have to be one of the following: However, you CANNOT be a Parish Councillor if you:
  • a British subject, or a citizen of the Commonwealth;
  • over 18 years of age
  • a local government elector for the council area for which you want to stand;
  • have during the whole of the 12 months occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the council area or within 3 miles of it for the whole period;
  • have during that same period had your principal or only place of work in the council area or within 3 miles of it for the whole period.
  • are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order;
  • have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine;
  • work for the council you want to become a councillor for (but you can work for other local authorities, including the principal authorities that represent the same area).

You don’t have to be connected to a political party.

If you do become a parish councillor you will have to sign up to the Code of Conduct.


Contact the Clerk via for an information pack and application form.

Not sure yet? The best way to find out what it’s like to be a parish councillor is to talk to someone who’s doing it now. Come along to a parish council meeting, or speak to one of our councillors and find out what they think of the job.

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