Contact details

The table shows the contact details for the companies/organisations with responsibility for maintaining some of Hunts Grove's infrastructure and amenities. There is a break down of who is responsible for what on our who does what page.

Please do feel free to include/update the Parish Council on any communications you have so we can discuss and follow-up as needed.

Crest Nicholson South West
Bellway Wales
David Wilson Homes South West
Vistry (Bovis / Linden)
Hunts Grove Parish Council
  • Email: 
  • Online: Use the form below
  • Call: 01452 345138 (leave a voicemail)
  • Contact a councillor

Form requirements:

  • Name is a required field
  • Either an email address or a telephone number is required
  • Message is a required field

Any contact details provided will be used only in connection with your enquiry. However, in order for us to deal with your enquiry it may be necessary to forward your details to one of our partners for example Gloucestershire County Council, Stroud District Council or Gloucestershire Police who may need to contact you if they require further information.
Do you agree for us to share your information if required?


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