Future Development and Amenities

This page contains details about the continuing development of Hunts Grove. 

Community Centre and Sports Pitches

There has been a long delay in the delivery of the community centre and sports pitches but we hope to see an updated planning application soon. This should involve a hall, meeting room, social space and changing rooms, with a play area, tennis court, all weather pitch and football pitches.


The allotments have been delayed but we hope work will begin soon.

Farmhouse Triangle

This area was retained by the original landowner (Colethrop Farm Limited). As well as housing, the hope is that this provide some small shops in the heart of the village and mean that the farmhouse will be retained, potentially as a cafe and office space. We hope to see a planning application soon, which will replace a larger scheme refused by Stroud District Council that would have seen half of the allotments moved to a different site

A38 junction

The new junction is overdue and final approvals are not yet agreed between Crest and Gloucestershire County Council. Work is expected to take a year and will involve significant road works with speed limits and a series of partial and overnight closures. More details will be shared during the works.

You can see the plans for the junction here but briefly:

  • Leaving Hunts Grove, traffic for Hardwicke/Quedgeley will turn right over the A38 bridge, traffic for Gloucester will turn right up the A38, and traffic heading south will use a good slip to get onto Bristol Road and join the A38 at the Cross Keys roundabout. Traffic from Hardwicke/Quedgeley will be diverted onto the A38 at the new junction rather than using Bristol Road.
  • Entering Hunts Grove, traffic coming down the A38 will turn left into the village at the new junction; Coming from the south we will go up the slip road and turn right across the A38 bridge then left into Hunts Grove at the new junction. Traffic coming from Hardwicke/Quedgeley will follow the same route over the bridge.

Neighbourhood Centre

To be located at the A38 junction, this should contain shops and other facilities. A previous planning application was put on hold, including due to objections from Gloucestershire Highways about the car parking, service access and the entry being very close to the junction. More details when we have a full update from Crest.

Quadrant Distribution Centre

This is the remaining area of employment land reached from Waterwells. There is more detail here.

Hunts Grove Extension 

The Hunts Grove Extension, also known as Lane South of Haresfield Lane, is a planned future development of approx 700 houses. There is some more detail here.

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