Information for Dog Owners

( Under construction, bear with us! )

Many residents at Hunts Grove are keen dog owners and, noting that more than 50% of land in the village is dedicated to open spaces, the Parish Council has the vision to ensure all our residents and furry-friend residents have a safe and healthy space to call home.

The Parish Wants to Develop More Facilities for Dogs

In the future it may be possible to have a designated dog walking area that is securely fenced, enabling owners to exercise their dogs off the lead. There is also Hunts Grove Wood which will hopefully be adopted as part of Phase 1 by the Parish Council this year (2022). Once the Parish has responsibility, councillors intend to work on a management and maintenance strategy for the woods to turn them into an asset for the community. The woods are being used by walkers and dog owners right now, however, they are not really safe or accessible currently.

Elsewhere, in some areas, it may be appropriate for dogs to be off the lead but they should always be well controlled and able to respond quickly when recalled. This is essential, as the open spaces and parks are community space which is also used by large numbers of young children, cyclists, and others.

SuDS Ponds & Shorn Brook Corridor

The Parish Council asks that dog owners keep their pets away from the large ponds or sustainable drainage systems on the Shorn Brook Corridor ponds (SuDS) and stresses it is not appropriate to exercise them in the water as the steep-sided nature of many of the SUDS makes them unsuitable for safe access of people or dogs. Additionally, this activity can cause deep distress to young birds and can also inadvertently destroy fragile wildlife such as emerging dragonflies.

Dogs are not permitted in the currently open play parks (Lime Tree Avenue, Willow Grove, Pine Marten Close, and parts of the Acorn Park).

Dog Fouling

All residents and visitors are expected to pick up after their dogs please and to ensure all dog waste is bagged and placed in one of the many bins provided. Hunts Grove has dedicated dog bins and general waste bins. Bagged dog waste may be put in either type of bin.

Dog Warden Service (Stroud District Council)

Our colleagues at Stroud District Council offer a range of services and resources for dog owners. Take a look at this link for the following topics > 

  • Lost and Stray Dogs
  • What to do if you have lost a dog
  • What to do if you have found a dog
  • Dog fouling, including facts and myths
  • Responsible dog ownership
  • Public Spaces Protection Orders (including dog fouling)
  • Aggressive dogs
  • Professional Dog Walkers' Code of Conduct


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