About the Parish Council
Hunts Grove was created on 1 April 2020 as Gloucestershire’s first new parish for 40 years. It covers the whole of the new build village, a small number of older houses on the old Bristol Road (alongside the A38) as well as part of the business park south of Waterwells Drive. The creation of our new parish recognised that Hunts Grove has a different identify and different needs to the parishes of Haresfield and Hardwicke that the area was previously split between.
Hunts Grove Parish Council was first elected in 2021, taking over from a shadow council comprising district and county councillors. A Parish Council is the layer of government that sits closest to the community. It represents their interests, delivers some local services and strives to make the village as good a place to live as possible.
Council meetings are held at Hunts Grove Primary Academy, at 18:30 on the second Monday of the month (unless that’s a Bank Holiday when it will be the third Monday); we have a calendar of meeting dates. All residents are entitled to attend and are very welcome. There is a session at the start of each meeting for residents to raise issues or ask questions. You can contact the council using the details or form on the Contact page. There is a lot more information here on policies, finances and more here.
Councillors are volunteers and the Council employs a part-time Parish Clerk. There are brief bios and contact details for councillors on the About Us page.