Maintaining the village

At the moment, the story of who maintains the primary new build part of Hunts Grove is complex. You can check the details of who does what and their contact details on the linked pages.

Current situation

Hunts Grove is still largely managed as a development site with no areas or infrastructure yet adopted by public authorities. Individual developers are responsible for roads, sewers/drains and small areas of open space in their development parcels, and Crest Nicholson is responsible for most other infrastructure and open spaces/play areas. 

The Parish Council is not currently responsible for any areas of the village and only maintains two bins and two defibrillators. However, we regularly engage with Crest Nicholson, their contractors and with Preim (site managers for the Hunts Grove Management Company) to chase maintenance issues and follow-up residents' concerns.

The future

As things stand, in due course:

  • Roads will be adopted by Gloucestershire County Council
  • Sewers/drains will be adopted by Severn Trent
  • Open spaces, play areas and leisure/sport amenities will be adopted by:
    • In Phase 1: Stroud District Council or the Parish Council
    • In Phases 2, 3 and 4: the Hunts Grove Management Company.

Discussions continue about the adoption of Phase 1 but this cannot happen until the adoptees are happy that things have been built and maintained to standard for a suitable period. The Parish Council would prefer to adopt Phase 1 open spaces and play areas itself so they are managed locally.

The Parish Council preference would also be to assume the functions of the Management Company and we continue discussions with Crest to explore how and when this might be achieved. There is more detail on our One Hunts Grove page.

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