Who does what

The sections below outline who is responsible for infrastructure and maintenance in the new build development of Hunts Grove. NB: For the houses on Bristol Road/Bath Road and the commercial areas around Davy Way, the Parish Council's understanding is that roads and related infrastructure are adopted by Gloucestershire County Council, and sewers by Severn Trent. For the development off Marconi Drive, our understanding is that you should contact Sanctuary Maintenance Contractors Ltd (SMCL) who act for Sanctuary Affordable Housing Limited (SAHL).

Once you have checked who is responsible/who to contact, you can find their contact details here.

Roads and related infrastructure

This includes road surfaces, pavements, streetlights and road verges. NB: Some streetlights on Phase 1 belong to Gloucestershire County Council but use Crest as an initial contact point if unsure.

Primary roads
  • Harrier Way
  • Hunts Grove Drive

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Contact: Crest Nicholson South West

Secondary Roads
  • Farley Way

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Contact: Crest Nicholson South West

Other roads
  • All other roads

Responsible: The developer who built the houses on that road or section of road

Contact: The developer who built the houses on that road or section of road



Most sewers/drains beyond your property boundary The sewers in residential areas

Responsible: The developer who built the houses on that road or section of road

Contact: The developer who built the houses on that road or section of road

Main sewers/drains The main sewers connecting residential areas to Severn Trent's network

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Contact: Crest Nicholson South West


Green spaces and play areas

This includes grass mowing, trees, hedges, planting, paths and surfaces, play equipment, bins, dog bins, signage and drainage.

Bins at Bus stops Black plastic bins with Hunts Grove Parish Council logo

Responsible: Hunts Grove Parish Council 

Emptied by: Stroud District Council

Contact: Hunts Grove Parish Council via the Clerk

Incidental spaces within residential areas For example, around the tree on Knotgrass Way and verges on the edge of public open space

Responsible: The developer who built the houses on that road or section of road

Contact: The developer who built the houses on that road or section of road

Phase 1 POS and play areas
  • The Acorn
  • Lime Tree Playground
  • Hunts Grove Wood
  • The Patches north of the brook
  • Spinney Park
  • SUDs ponds

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Managed by: TetraTech

Contact: Crest Nicholson South West Customer services

Phase 2 POSs and play areas
  • Hunts Grove Rise
  • Brambling Green
  • Sowthistle Green
  • The Patches (school side of the brook)
  • The grassed areas between Knotgrass Way and the Shorn Brook
  • The grassed areas and between the Shorn Brook and Brambling Way/Lutra Close/Boloria Close
  • The tree and grass on the corner of Harrier Way and Siskin Way

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Managed by: Preim

Contact: Preim

NB: This area has not yet been handed over to the Management Company and is currently managed by Preim under separate arrangement with Crest paying the bills

Phase 3 POS Area bounded by the school, Harrier Way and Niblett Close

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Managed by: Preim

Contact: Preim

NB: This area has not yet been handed over to the Management Company and is currently managed by Preim under separate arrangement with Crest paying the bills

  Between Phases 3 and 4

Responsible: Crest Nicholson South West

Managed by: TetraTech

Contact: Crest Nicholson South West Customer services

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